The Value of CMM Controller Retrofits
In this case, new controllers for two coordinate measuring machines — one 26 years old — with new programming software offers the possibility to enable multisensor inspection of critical, turned aerospace components.
LK Metrology CMM Optimizes Measurement Cycles
Altera C HA ceramic-bridge CMMs provide volumetric accuracy from 1.3+L/350, repeatability from 0.0013 mm and scanning accuracy from 0.002 mm.
Does a Scanning Probe Make Sense on a Swiss-Type?
Swiss-types have limited tooling capacity, but there can be advantages to giving up some of that capacity to take advantage of a touch probe — in fact, a scanning probe — to enable in-process part measurements.
Keeping Watch on Small Parts
From watch parts to exotic medical applications, this shop takes on the world of micromachining.