Heidenhain Launches Manufacturing Education Support Program
Appears in Print as: 'Manufacturing Education Support Program '
The Heidenhain Education Support Program is designed to bring the latest advancements on the shop floor to vocational training centers, universities and corporate trainee programs.
Edited by Angela Osborne
The Heidenhain Education Support Program (HESP) is designed to train the next generation of metalworkers. Photo Credit: Heidenhain
Heidenhain is offering a collection of educational services and products to assist in training the next generation of manufacturing professionals to meet the demands for today’s digitization of data in NC metalworking. The Heidenhain Education Support Program (HESP) is an initiative designed to bring the latest advancements on the shop floor to current classrooms of vocational training centers, universities and corporate trainee programs.
According to the company, digital services and their increasing speed are now commonplace and only growing. With HESP, Heidenhain says it is making its own contribution to training the next generation of metalworkers by providing cost-effective, state-of-the-art resources to educators which can include computer programming stations, software and learning materials for fast and highly accurate milling and turning needs. HESP also includes offers to train the trainers at significantly reduced rates.
Heidenhain’s says its programming stations are based on the same software foundation as its CNC controls, thus making well-suited vocational training tools to give students the confidence they need to program in the manufacturing world. HESP’s learning materials include practical course supplies for explaining complex topics, as well support posters for the classroom.
The program also offers educators the opportunity obtain Heidenhain’s Connecting Machining package of functions and its StateMonitor MDA software, as well as the option of its online Heidenhain Interactive Training (HIT) program.
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