Double Cone, Pull Collets for High Runout Accuracy, Friction Prevention
PMTS 2023: Both the Double Cone and Pull Collets come with a Kroko slots option that prevents chips and dirt from getting into the bore and slots.
Clamping Units for Swiss-Type Lathes
PMTS 2023: This hydraulic, high-precision clamping unit for Swiss-type lathes is well suited for static front and back drilling operations.
Flexible, Quick-Change Tool Adapter System for Live Tools
The system significantly reduces inventory and changeover time for lathe users.
Micromachining Fundamentals
A number of elements must come together to establish an effective process for machining at a micro level. Here we consider four.
ThinBit Angled Toolholders for Swiss Screw Machines
These angled toolholders can position the insert at 30-, 45- or 60-degree angles for reliefs, undercuts and angled OD and face grooves.
Precision Machining Technology Review October 2022: Toolholders
Production Machining showcases some of the latest toolholders, including technology from Goeltenbodt, Horn, GenSwiss, iSwiss, Iscar and Kaiser Tool.
PowRgrip Automatic Tool Setter Offers Enhanced Gripping Force
Rego-Fix’s PGU 9800 is an enhanced version of its PGU 9500 powRgrip automatic tool setter and is said to use the mechanical properties of the holder material to generate tremendous gripping force.
Backworking Holders Designed to Reduce Setup Time
IMTS22: iSwiss Corp.’s insert system, the Height Adjustable Backworking Holder X Type, offers precise coolant delivery and versatility.
GenSwiss Collets, Guide Bushings for Creating Complex Parts
IMTS 2022: The signature series is said to enable operators to create complex parts accurately and precisely while increasing productivity by reducing cycle times.
Iscar Neo Swiss Quick-Change Toolholders for Swiss-Types
IMTS 2022: Neo Swiss modular quickchange tooling line for Swiss-types feature a rotary wedge mechanical design for clamping rigidity and accuracy.